Terms of Use – Customer Assessments and Reviews

These Terms of Use define your behaviour in conjunction with the service provided by Bosch Home Appliances (Bosch) as regards the formulation of customer assessments and reviews (referred to below as the "Consumer Review Solution" or "CRS"). The personal data transmitted by yourself will be held on file in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In the event of any divergence between the data protection guideline of Bosch and these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall prevail regarding regulation of the CRS.

Data is transmitted when “Submit and continue” button is clicked in the first step and if more data is provided in the second steps in the same session, it will be combined.

By transmitting content to Bosch you affirm and guarantee:

that you are the sole author and owner of the associated rights to intellectual property;

that you voluntarily waive all moral rights which might accrue to yourself as the author regarding such content;

that all content transmitted by yourself is accurate;

that you are at least 18 years of age;

that the content provided by yourself does not violate these Terms of Use or cause harm to persons or companies.

You moreover affirm and guarantee that you are not transmitting any content

which you know to be incorrect or misleading;

which constitutes an infringement of copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, rights of publication or data protection rights of a third party;

which violates laws, rules, regulations or provisions (in particular provisions relating to export controls, consumer protection, unfair competition, anti-discrimination as well as misleading or false advertising);

which is defamatory, offensive, abusive, biased in terms of race or religion, slanderous or constitutes an unlawful threat to or harassment of any individual, partnership or corporation or can be deemed as such;

for which you were not and will not be compensated or granted any payments by third parties;

which contains any information with references to other websites, addresses, e-mail addresses, contact details or telephone numbers;

which contains computer viruses, worms or other potentially harmful computer programs, files or HTML codes.

You hereby agree to indemnify Bosch (and its managers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint venture companies, employees and third-party providers) in respect of all claims, receivables and claims to compensation (actual damage and consequential damage) of any nature or type whatsoever, whether known or unknown, including lawyer's fees of a reasonable amount and release same from any liability arising in conjunction with your failure to uphold the assurances and guarantees given above or infringement of applicable rights or the rights of third parties.

For all content transmitted by yourself you grant to Bosch a perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, fully-paid right and corresponding licence as regards the utilisation, reproduction, modification, complete removal, adaptation, publication, translation, creation of derivative works and/or sale and/or distribution of such content and/or takeover of said content anywhere in the world and in any form or medium or with any technology, in particular for the purpose of online and offline communication (e.g. on websites as banners, newsletters or printed advertisements) without thereby receiving remuneration in this regard.

All content transmitted by yourself may be used at the sole discretion of Bosch. Bosch reserves the right to amend, shorten or delete any content on the website of Bosch Home Appliances which Bosch considers in its judgement to constitute an infringement of the guidelines governing content or any other provisions of these Terms of Use. Bosch offers no guarantee that you will have any recourse through Bosch to amend or delete content transmitted by yourself. Assessments and written comments are generally published within two to four business days. Bosch however reserves the right to remove any content – either partly or in its entirety – or to refuse the publication of any submissions – either partly or in their entirety – where the above assurances and those confirmed by yourself should not be applicable. You hereby declare that the responsibility for the content submitted by yourself is incumbent on yourself and not on Bosch. None of the content transmitted by yourself is associated with an obligation of confidentiality on the part of Bosch, its agents, subsidiaries, affiliated enterprises, partners or third-party providers as well as their directors, managers and employees.

By transmitting your e-mail address in conjunction with your assessment and review you authorise Bosch and its third-party providers to contact you by e-mail regarding the status of your assessment and for other administrative purposes.

Updates to the Terms of Use

Advances in technology or changes to the law may prompt us to update or amend provisions of the Terms of Use. Please check this page from time to time to ensure that you are in possession of the latest information. Please refer to the beginning of this page for the last amended version of the Terms of Use.

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